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Math Books & Games for Kids

· Math

Since I've been teaching math for over 18 years, I collected a library of:

Here are some videos of me reading a few of the books with some kids:

Math Books for Kids Readings Videos:

One Grain of Rice by Demi with Mae (age 9 in 4th grade) & Ruthie (age 7 in 2nd grade):

Spaghetti & Meatballs for All! by Marilyn Burns with August (age 7 in 2nd grade) & Julian (age 4 in preschool):

Math Curse by Jon Scieszka & Lane Smith with Larisa (age 10 in 5th grade) & Nikolai (age 7 in 1st grade):

The Greedy Triangle by Marilyn Burns with Elijah (age 5 in preschool).

Sir Cumference and the Roundabout Battle by Cindy Neuschwander with Andrew (age 9 in 4th grade) & Ian (age 5 in preschool):

Sir Cumference and All the King's Tens by Cindy Neuschwander with Alma (age 8 in 2nd grade):

Apple Fractions by Jerry Pallotta with Itatiana (age 8 in 3rd Grade):

Amanda Bean's Amazing Dreams by Cindy Neuschwander with Arya (age 3):

Math-terpieces by Greg Tang with Smith (age 9 in 3rd grade):

What's Your Angle, Pythagorus? by Julie Ellis with Bailey (age 14 in 9th grade):

Math Games:

Birthday Numbers with Larisa (age 10 in 5th grade) & Nikolai (age 7 in 1st grade):

Birthday Numbers with Andrew (age 9 in 4th grade) & Ian (age 5 in preschool):

The Birthday Numbers with Itatiana (age 8 in 3rd Grade):

The Product Game with Itatiana (age 8 in 3rd Grade):

24 Game